INFO : GRC Poort Database

Gestart door Han, 05 oktober 2003, 10:24:52

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0 leden en 1 gast bekijken dit topic.


Wil je kijken wat de info is over een bepaald poortnummer, kijk dan even in de GRC Poort Database.

Accessing the GRC Port Info Database:

Online data for any Internet port within the range from 0 through 65535 may be accessed through the port Jump links at the bottom of any port database page, or directly with a URL of this form:
. . . where "number" is a decimal number in the range 0 through 65535.

For example, the URL used to display information about the standard HTTP world wide web port 80 would be:

If you wish to access port information in our Port Info database, please correct and resubmit the URL shown in your browser's URL field above, or use the Jump link at the bottom of the page.
Als de PCN-server down is, dan moeten we 'm opvrolijken!!